Sunday 21 June 2015

Top 10 Best Android Apps for Bloggers

There are too many resources available for bloggers on multiple platforms whether they are Android, Computer, Apple or Windows Phone. As today we have got top 10 best apps for Bloggers. These apps could be really worthy and useful for bloggers as they could use them for multiple useful purposes.

These apps could be used for posting right from your Android phone, gathering ideas, getting tips and tricks and much more. If you are professional and passionate blogger then these apps are exactly for you. You only need to download any of the below apps and start utilizing them on your Android Smartphone and believe us that these are really best Android apps.

Top 10 Best Android Apps for Bloggers

So, here is the list and description of best android apps for bloggers. You are supposed to choose apps according to your conveniences and start using these apps on your concerns and needs. So, get to the list.

1- Blogger

The Blogger app could be really awesome for bloggers who have blogs on Blogger platform. It is officially released and produced by Google. You can write and publish posts, monitors your blog’s performance and many more tasks can be done with it. However, the functionality of this app is little restricted and limited. In spite of that, we could recommend you to try this ones on your Android devices. You can Download this app from Google Play.

2- WordPress

Same as Blogger, the WordPress app is also available for Android users. This app also allows you to Edit, Write and for publishing new posts, moderating comments, and many more stuffs can be done with this app. The functionality of this app is also little limited, but you must try this to make any remarks about it. You can Download this app from Google Play.

3- Writer

The Writer is ones of the best and famous Android app which has got the best solution for writing content for you blog. It provides you completely friendly and awesome user-interface and environment for content writing. It includes, font styles, heading styles, and other stuffs for modifying and adorning your writing. You must try this ones for your Android device.

4- SwiftKey

The SwiftKey is a modified and advanced keyboard which can be an awesome solution for effective and untiring writing. It is wide and awesome keyboard, auto corrects your mistake and makes your writing more fast as compare to Android default keyboard. You must install this on your device and then start typing using this and we are sure that you’ll feel the change.

5- Disqus

There are many blogs which are integrated with Disqus comment system and if this is also integrated on your blog then this app is for you. After downloading this app, you can moderate your Disqus comments, reply them and keep your audience engaged right from your Android phone.

6- GAnalytics

The GAnalytics is the app which gives you the complete traffic stats of your blog and it gathers data from your Google Analytics stats. This is really awesome app which could be effective for monitoring your Blogs traffic while your are away from your PC. So, download this app to start monitoring your blog’s traffic from your blog.

7- Google Adsense

The Google Adsense app is also available for Android devices. It gives you complete report of your revenue and you can easily get it on your Android phone. Additionally, not to forget that it is officially presented by Google. So, install it on your Android device and start monitoring your revenue report.

8- Photoshop

The Photoshop is also available for Android devices. If you use Photoshop for your blogging works and tasks then you can easily download it from Google Play. It has got all important and basic tools for Android as well which are needed for editing and manipulation.

9- FlipBoard

The FlipBoard can be really awesome for idea gathering and monitoring your Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus pages and profiles. You can also select your categories and can start receiving posts on your selected categories. It actually works as a magazine. Additionally, you can have news feed of your Friends statuses too from Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.

10- BeyondPod Podcast Manager

The BeyondPod Podcast Manager is the app for those who don’t like reading for idea searching. You can get thousands of videos on different categories and gather ideas for your blog by watching this video. You need to simply install it on your Android device and start gathering ideas.


This was our list of top 10 best Android apps for Bloggers. We are sure that you’ve found some interesting apps in this list and will try them. If you know or use any other which should be included here then mention that app in the comment box. Your suggestions would be welcomed here.
Furthermore, if you’ve found this guide helpful and worth reading then don’t forget to share it with your other friends and circle too. Your share may be proven helpful for many of your friends who are heading for such information. So, keep sharing and liking our content over social media.

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is one of the Team Member of Programmer vs Hacker. He has written many articles on this website and is a patner of this website.


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